Complaints procedure
At Wandsworth Dental Centre, we pride ourselves on the high quality of care we provide our patients. Our aim is to look after you as we wish to be looked after ourselves.
However, if you have any concerns or comments regarding your dental care, we will address these as a matter of priority.
We welcome all feedback, both positive and negative, regarding all feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve our service in the future. We will not react unnecessarily defensively, and your confidentiality and access to our services will be protected.
How do I complain about NHS dental care?
A complaint may be made to either the practice (as the provider of the service) or NHS England (as the commissioner of the service).
If you wish to complain to the practice, you can do so directly to your dentist or any member of the Wandsworth Dental Centre team, either verbally or in writing. Please contact the practice on the below details, should you wish to make a complaint.
258 Wandsworth Road, London,
SW8 2JS, United Kingdom
Should you wish to raise a complaint directly with NHS England then they can be contacted at:
NHS England (for complaints concerning NHS dental care only)
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
tel: 0300 311 22 33
email: england.contactus@nhs.net
NB. If a complaint is first raised with the practice then it cannot be investigated by NHS England. Conversely, a complaint first raised through NHS England cannot then be made subsequently to the practice.
How do I complain about dental care provided privately?
If you wish to make a complaint about care received privately then this can be made verbally, or in writing, to any member of the practice team. Please contact the practice on the below details, should you wish to make a complaint.
258 Wandsworth Road, London,
SW8 2JS, United Kingdom
How will my complaint be handled?
A verbal complaint made to a member of the practice team will be immediately logged and we will try and resolve your concerns at that time. If appropriate, the Practice Manager, will be able to discuss your complaint to try and resolve the situation for you.
As all of our dentists operate as independent practitioners, any complaint concerning clinical care will be immediately passed to your treating dentist. Regarding a verbal complaint over your care, the treating dentist should be available to discuss and resolve your concerns.
You can make a complaint in writing to Wandsworth Dental Centre, for attention of the Practice Manager or the dentist, and it will be handled as outlined below.
An acknowledgement letter of your complaint will be sent to you within 3 working days.
Our Practice Manager will be made aware of your complaint.
If your complaint is regarding clinical care, it will be passed to your treating dentist for them to provide a response and resolution.
A full response will be provided to you within 15 working days.
If we anticipate any delays in providing a full response, you will be notified and kept updated every 10 working days of the progress of your complaint.
What do I do if I’m not satisfied with the complaints process?
If you’re not happy with how your complaint has been handled, then please get in touch with our Practice Manager, who can be contacted at
What do I do if I’m not satisfied with the outcome of my complaint regarding my NHS treatment?
If your care was provided within the NHS, and you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you may contact the Parliamentary Health and Service Ombudsman at:
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
tel: 0345 015 4033
email: england.contactus@nhs.net
What do I do if I’m not satisfied with the outcome of my complaint regarding my private dental treatment?
If your care was provided privately, and you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you may contact the Dental Complaints Service at:
Dental Complaints Service
37 Wimpole Street
tel: 020 8253 0800
email: info@dentalcomplaints.org.uk
A complaint needs to be raised with the Dental Complaints Service within 12 months of the issue either taking place, or becoming known to yourself.